We at PRODUCTIVA strongly believe in life beyond day-to-day office work, we continuously strive hard to ensure safety, healthy emotional quotient, health and overall well-being of each and every Productivan. Perhaps this is the reason behind a commonly used statement, “Once a Productivan, always a Productivan”, we take a pride in mentioning that most of our staff has been with us for more than 3 years now and our current staff average tenure has been just above 2 years with Productiva. Which is by far one of the best in staffing industry in India.
Considering majority of our staff are women; we ensure best possible working environment for women@work and specific policies to address their day to day and specific issues. We also support the case of differently abled work-force, we have always look out and hire such staff and groom them to bring positivity and success in their life; we have been privileged to have some of them, always.
We believe in celebrating each and every occasion with our staff, together we celebrate our birthdays, anniversaries, festivals like family and love doing it that way. No wonder our social media company pages are quite popular in the online space, please check out:- https://www.facebook.com/productivaglobal and https://www.linkedin.com/company/productiva-it-solutions-private-limited
Please send us a mail on explore@productiva.in to initiate a dialogue to understand how you can successfully work with Productiva and explore our growth plans.